Sara was one month old on Sunday, I can hardly believe it! She has had some big 'firsts' in the past few days, it seems like every day she has a new development.
1. No mittens! On Saturday I finally managed to cut her nails well, so the mittens have come off. So far no scratches, though she seems to be starting to find her hands sometimes. She'll get them in her face all the time when she stretches (which is very often, just like Dad) and then start to find them with her mouth like the pacifier for a minute or so.
2. Social butterfly: Saturday also marked her first day out visiting. We visited Grandma and Grandpa first (Grandpa loved feeding her a bottle for the first time), and then we went to a BBQ at M&K's place. Little Kathleen loves her new girlfriend, apparently she asks every morning before daycare if they are going to see 'Baby Sara'. It was a tiring day for me, but a good "normal" day... it was also my first time in their hot tub in almost a year!
3. Hold on tight! She would try to hold our fingers through her mittens, but now that they are off, she has an iron grip on our fingers at times... even when we are feeding her a bottle!
4. Toys: Sara will spend more time in her bouncy chair now, but loves lying on her play mat / change mat looking some of her toys. She will follow them with her eyes when I move them around, and slowly she is starting to grip parts of the Lamaze toys (love these) when I open her hands and clasp them around them.
5. Big girl diapers: She graduated to size 1 diapers, and though we had a couple of leaks at first due to not fastening tight enough (they seem so big compared to newborn diapers!) now she's comfortable.
6. Splish splash in the bath: Now that her bottom half sits right in the baby tub, she actually likes the bath. Ian got some great video of her bath last night, she was all smiles as we poured warm water over her with the plastic fish cup. She likes the water on the warm end of the safe temperature range, just like her mom!
7. Shopping with mom! I braved the mall with her for the first time yesterday, and it went well! She was awake for the first 20 minutes or so and then dozed off for the rest until we got home to eat. It's amazing how much room I take up in an aisle now... and how many people stop me to comment on how cute she is! One older lady touched her cheek briefly after assuring me her hands were clean, which was weird because she didn't ask first, but she was very nice.
8. Pacifiers are a lifesaver: Sara loves her pacifier, and often when all other things have been checked first, often a cry is just for her pacifier and she calms right away. It also helps get her to sleep!
Nighttime is still hit and miss, but after 3 not so good nights, finally we had a good one last night, like we were starting to have last week. Everyone says 6-8 weeks is the magic time, especially as she is bottle feeding, and we're at 4 1/2 weeks now, so we'll see!