Tuesday, June 26, 2007

crafting time

I made a cloth book for Sara, and although the stitching is not exactly perfect, I was so excited to have time to be creative and make something. Sara is a great inspiration as I watch her explore and discover things, and it was so rewarding to see her smile and grab at the finished book! Here she is examining Mommy's handiwork quite studiously...

Sara has started chattering with us, making the cutest sounds, and last week she laughed for the first time! It's such a great sound. Her favourite pasttimes right now are playing on her Gymini, listening to songs, grabbing at our fingers and hand puppets, cramming as many of her fingers into her mouth as she can... and she has been sleeping all night! She likes being held up on our shoulders and being walked around too, now that she can hold her head up. I can hardly imagine her sitting on her own, it will be so strange.
The only real challenge we're having at the moment is that she becomes overstimulated and tired easily when there are several people around, and it takes longer than usual to settle her. We will have to keep trying until she gets used to socializing more!

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