Monday, November 26, 2007

one of a kind finds

Yesterday at the One of Kind Show I tried to buy something for myself.... really. I tried. But it seems that even when I try to shop for myself these days, I end up buying things for Sara instead!

I picked up this cat puppet from Diabolo Puppets - it's so much fun and Muppet-like, I think she'll love it. It will be a gift for her first Christmas!
And it didn't exactly fit the budget, but I couldn't resist this adorable "Gorgeous Garden" caterpillar dress from Red Thread Designs. It's actually an investment (Ian would cringe to hear me say that...) because it will fit from now until Sara's about 4 years old - first as a dress, then as a tunic top. The colours and fabrics are amazing!

And for me? All the free food samples, and one jar of red pepper jelly to pour over goat cheese for a Christmas dinner appetizer.


Anonymous said...

haha - right after I wrote my post about my one of a kind show finds, I go and see you've done the same!

Beaches said...

That makes three of us...although my post is sitting on the Holiday Helpers blog.

I spent a morning there "for work" and found so many amazing things for babies!

It's kind of scary how I just zoom in on baby stores now, I barely looked at a thing for myself and walked out with nothing but baby gifts. I've promised myself I will not shop for my little one until after my shower... but that does not prevent me from buying gifts for others and keeping the website addresses in my back pocket for future purchases for me and mine.