Friday, December 29, 2006

27 weeks and welcome!

This week I'm finally getting going on this new blog. My pregnancy journey has been an amazing trip so far... and with the holidays almost over, March 29, 2007 seems like it will be here in the blink of an eye!

A quick status report for this inaugural entry...

Baby's Gender: Girl (so they tell us!)
Belly Measurement (at 24 weeks): 26 cm (My doctor guessed right on before measuring, I guess he's done this a few times...)
Weight Gain So Far: 25 pounds... I think
Newest Cool Experience: Baby flips and baby hiccups! On a couple of occasions my belly has pulsed rhythmically for about five minutes, and I've felt an almost freaky wave-like motion as the baby turns over/around in the private pool in hotel belly.
So Hip it Hurts: My newest not-so-cool experience? Major hip pain each night while sleeping, causing me to wake up several times a night in a signal to roll over. During pre-natal massage this week they both felt bruised as my therapist worked on them. Putting a pillow between my knees doesn't help much. The only apparent solution? Delivery.
Baby's Nickname: Sweet Pea. I wanted to give her a nickname for when I talk to my belly, and after trying a few out, this one has stuck.
Winter Coat Status: The toggles on my pea coat don't do up at the bottom, but the zipper is just barely hanging in there. A puffy ski jacket on loan is waiting in the wings... I will look like the Michelin Man when I bust it out. Let's hope for another balmy winter in Toronto.
Energy Level: Not bad. By late afternoon I crave a nap and I still can't stay up too late.
Naming Baby: We think we have settled on her first name, and Ian is picking her middle name. "Have you picked a name yet?" has to be one of the questions I get asked the most (after "how are you feeling?" or "are you having any weird food cravings?") and we've decided to keep it a surprise until we introduce her to everyone. Honestly, after a few conversations with people about names, we realized that everyone has an opinion or a suggestion... it became too stressful for me!

I don't know if I have just one reason for starting this blog. It's likely a mix of wanting to share and preserve this new journey, stay connected with friends and family during maternity leave,
share baby pictures, and be inspired by other new moms. Oh yes, and I must harbour deluded notions of having oodles of time on my hands during maternity leave.

I look forward to many baby-obsessed adventures in 2007. Happy holidays!

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