Monday, February 11, 2008

and she's off!

Sara has successfully completed all of her New Year's resolutions (1. learn to crawl, 2. give lots of hugs, 3. say 'Da-da')... she's crawling!Coming to get Mommy and the camera...
She's been showing all kinds of independence over the past couple of weeks, and I'm amazed by how much she knows now that she can communicate more. She points at EVERYTHING, and knows so many more words than I realized! She points out Cheerios, bottles, the monkey on her highchair, the sheep painting in her room, cupboards, the table, the kitchen, Ernie's red nose and black hair, the cows in her Boynton books, the lobster, kayak and Niagara Falls in her ABC of Canada book.... and sometimes when we say "where's your head?" she puts both hands on her head and it's totally adorable!

In order to be a good role model, I guess I should be doing better with my *one* new year goal... a flat belly... sigh!


Unknown said...

hey, I recognize that shirt! watch out mommy, she's well on her way into everything!

Beaches said...

Go Sara go! Amazing how BIG she looks now that I have my little teeny! Will she really be that big in under a year? My goodness. Mind blowing. Sara just keeps getting cuter and cuter. Forget the flat belly and invest in a pair of Spanx! Who has time to work out when you've got a baby to chase?