There are plenty of physical things I never knew about pregnancy. Here are just a few of the things I've experienced:
1. If you hate to shave your legs, get pregnant. Beginning at about the 5 month mark, the hair on my legs virtually stopped growing. I only shave about once a month!
2. Breathlessness. I get out of breath very easily, with everything pushing up against my diaphragm and lungs, which has increased until the baby drops some more. Some days I sound like that Stevie kid from Malcolm in the Middle when I talk, taking deep breaths in between words!
3. Perpetual sniffles. There is now a Kleenex box in almost every room of the house.
4. Clumsiness. I drop things constantly, which is a cruel irony when you're pregnant... it's very difficult (and frustrating) to try and pick things up off the floor! I need some long handled tongs or a pick!
5. Underwire bras are evil. With organs shifted and a baby pressing up against my ribs, sometimes it's all I can do to keep from going crazy when wearing an underwire bra. Ian has found them on the bannister, draped over tables, wherever I happen to be when I finally have had enough and rip it off.
6. Insulation and itchiness. A benefit of being pregnant during the winter is having a built-in heater. I get overheated really easily in places like malls, the office, etc. And what else happens when I get hot? My belly itches! (BTW - the Body Shop's Body Butter in Cocoa Butter is heavenly for this)
7. Naps are wonderful. I'm getting tired again now, particularly in the evening like I was in my first trimester. I'm off to take a nap now!
Snoogle pillow update... so far so good! I definitely recommend it. It's no miracle worker, but I've had some significant improvement in my hip pain from sleeping with it. It's giant, shaped like a 'C', and takes up a lot of the bed! The best position I've found is the back to belly -- the long part curves down my back, between my thighs/knees, and is then just wedged under my belly for added support. I've gone from waking up at least every hour to a 3-4 stretch of sleep at first, then every 1-2 hours after that.
1 comment:
Now is when those pre-natal yoga classes will come in handy. There's lots of poses (like the cat pose) you can do to try to encourage her to turn around. And there's plenty of time - good luck!
Great news about the pillow! Sounds like heaven. I wish I had known... but afterwards you'll look forward to sleeping on your back!
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