Thursday, February 01, 2007

rockin' the baby

As many new moms-to-be can attest to, there are lots of questions we ask ourselves in thinking about how to raise a happy, intelligent, productive, well-adjusted little member of the next generation... and one perennial debate seems to be over music. Does exposure to classical music help, in the womb and out? Baby Einstein? Traditional lullabies or contemporary ones? Or, do babies just want to rock out in the nursery?

This article from today's issue of Daily Candy cracks me up. Now you can have the best of both worlds with Full Metal Diaper, which offers crib-friendly instrumental versions of Guns n Roses and Metallica, or St. Elmo's Pacifier with 80s hits by Duran Duran and more.

Read the article here!


warmandsunnydays said...

I can't tell you how much I need to hear that xylophone and flutes version of "Hungry Like The Wolf". Hmm...shouldn't there be a shower or something on the horizon?

warmandsunnydays said...

And also...I think I'm gonna get you a pair of "Mom Jeans". ;D