Tuesday, June 12, 2007

weekend fun

This weekend was a busy one but a good one for our little family. Some highlights...
* We bought a new couch and loveseat for our main floor living room, and I'm so excited about it! Now that we spend most of our time there, I really wanted better/nicer seating. It's our first grown up, non-Ikea big furniture purchase!
* Saturday night BBQ/hot tub party with close friends. Sara was quite content and looking adorable in one of her new sundresses. We brought a bedtime bottle for her, to experiment with putting her to sleep and then taking her home later, so that we could stay out past 9:30! It worked. Ian brought the car seat up to her crib and did a seamless transition at 1:00am... she didn't even wake up.
*Sunday morning smiles and cuddles with Sara followed by a morning nap.
* Ian and Sara had a great daddy/daughter afternoon while I went to a second bridal shower for Michelle. A fun 'adults' afternoon, I even wore heels!
*Last night Ian came home early enough that we could watch our first movie since Sara was born. Wow!

Yesterday my little one had her first round of immunizations. It was so hard to watch her get the needles and then immediately burst into tears. Thank goodness for Tempra! She came through like a champ and has had lots of extra cuddles. The doctor said Sara will likely be more sleepy, and she wasn't kidding... she's been sleeping a LOT since, including all night. No fever though, and I've enjoyed the extra time to sit outside with my book and start a new craft project -- a cloth book for Sara -- updates on that to come.

This morning we're going to the nearby park/lake before it gets too hot. I'm going to mix a bottle there as an experiment for our upcoming zoo trip on Friday, to see if she'll take it at room temperature. Fingers crossed!

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