Thursday, February 22, 2007

35 weeks: nesting and braxton hicks

Nesting has fully kicked in! I feel an overwhelming urge to do things like tackle a reorganization of our linen closet, knit baby clothes, make Rice Krispie squares, bake cookies, clear any clutter, and generally get the house sparkling. It’s bizarre how these bursts of energy or inspiration can come over me some days, and other days there’s just no moving me! I can’t wait until I’m finished work to actually do all of these things. Speaking of which… that might be a little early, like I originally planned… more on that later!

I think I’ve been feeling some sporadic Braxton Hicks in the past few days, I had been wondering when it would begin. I’ll ask my doc next week to be sure, but it’s not painful – almost like a mild period cramp that lasts a few minutes and then goes away (with no pattern or increasing intensity or pain). I read that it would feel like a tightening in the uterus… maybe not the word I would have used, but sounds like the same thing. I’ve only had it early in the morning so far. Apparently if you’re thirsty or hungry that can bring it on, which makes sense.

This weekend I’m packing a hospital bag and completing our hospital birth plan. I’ve heard of too many people who were caught with nothing packed and tossed a few things into a grocery bag. I’m still the girl who had to finish her essays a few days early in school to ward off panic, so I’m surprised I’ve waited until 35 weeks!

Pregnancy tip: A TV in the bedroom is essential at this point. We moved one in about two weeks ago so I could relax in the evening, and it wouldn’t matter if I fell asleep while watching TV. It’s the best!

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