Monday, February 26, 2007

last week of work...

This is my last week of work! I can hardly believe it. Originally I was supposed to work one more week, but I changed the plan last Thursday. Between bad weather, bad commuting, heartburn, and just generally wanting to be at home, it was the right decision. Ultimately an extra week at the end is not going to make a huge difference (especially because things will be very different a year from now at our company), but right now the time is valuable.

I'm very excited but I'll also miss people. It's very strange because I've been at my company for a quite a while, longer than most, and I actually enjoy many things about my job... those who know me understand that's no small thing! But, I'm really ready for the change. I'm looking forward to getting last minute things done, visiting with friends, and RELAXING - napping when I need to, knitting, flipping through magazines, yoga, whatever I want! I plan to go to the pool more too. Swimming gently through the water takes all the weight and pressure off, and I can do stretches in the shallow end. I highly recommend it for all expecting moms!

So the hospital bag didn't exactly get packed this weekend, but I did start by buying boxes of pads (ugh) and laying out some items beside the bag. Then I ran into a lot of questions (i.e., 'outfit for the baby to come home in' - a sleeper? An actual outfit? And where do I buy those little baby mitts so she doesn't scratch her face?) I'm too tired tonight after staying up to watch ALL of the Oscars last night... so I'll do it this week or on the weekend.

A good friend of ours who's a photographer is taking maternity photos of me this weekend, I can't wait! We've been looking at samples to pick out poses and overall style, it's going to be a great keepsake. I'll post some here when we get them.

Tonight I had pre-natal massage after work. It's getting increasingly comical to position myself on the pregnancy pillow! I need to squirm up onto the table, get onto all fours, and then ungracefully plop down with my belly dropped in the opening (without mashing my boobs on the wrong part of the pillow.) Flipping over to my back is also decidedly ungraceful, but really, with what's to come, why bother being shy?! My therapist is also a friend, and today she massaged my belly for the first time. Sweet Pea was very chilled out and zen about the whole experience. She was quiet, and shifted slightly in response to having some more space encouraged for her in hotel belly. Now that we're home, however, she's wiggling about - yay, more room in here!

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