Thursday, May 03, 2007

Week 4 developments

I hope that my recent posts honestly expressing the challenges of caring for a newborn and sleep deprivation don't come across the wrong way... my baby Sara is gorgeous and amazing, and while there is a lot to adjust to, I can't imagine our life without her! It's hard to believe she'll be a month old on Sunday. You want to get through the difficult early weeks, but you also don't want to miss a moment of how quickly they grow.

I could be wrong, but I think she is going to stay blonde... there is a touch of red in her hair like mine, but not as much as these pictures seem to show. This week she is getting more alert during the day, giving big smiles, and starting to like her bouncy chair now that her neck is getting stronger. Tummy time is still challenging because she usually cries after a few minutes, but some days are more successful. I'm also having to learn fast how to be independent for meals, laundry, showering, even getting dressed while on my own with her! It's pretty good when she's content, but forget it if she's fussy! I imagine I'll do more things while she's napping in a few more weeks, but right now she keeps me pretty busy. Plus, I want to try to sleep when she sleeps, advice many friends have stressed!

Have I mentioned how long her feet are? She doesn't fit newborn socks! They are, in my opinion though, the cutest feet I've ever seen. Every time I change her and get a peek, I have to kiss each one a few times. Now that it's warming up and she'll be in a onesie more often, I'll have even more access. On Saturday we'll take her to see Grandma and Grandpaw on the way to M&K's house for a BBQ, her first time out visiting instead of people coming here.

p.s. last night was good but I'm scared to say that in writing - not sure if it was pure luck, adjusting to day/night, or the things we've been trying, but it's one night at a time... and it gives me some hope!

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