Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Just us girls

On Saturday night, my MIL stayed overnight and gave Ian and I a full night's sleep -- wow!! I didn't realize how much we needed it, it was awesome.

Sara is growing well, she weighed in at 9lbs 5oz this week, up from 8lbs 9oz the week before. She is a hungry girl! We more or less have her on a good four hour feeding routine now, which I really want to stick to, taking 4oz each time. We're working hard at distinguishing nighttime and bedtime too, and she has been quicker to fall asleep so far. She is showing some signs of needing 5oz at some feeds now though. She has woken twice each night between her 11pm and 7am feed for the past few nights, which is really hard for my own sleep, and I can only hold her off for so long! I'm wondering if she is needing more food during the day/evening, or if the second wake up could be a wet diaper bothering her... I can hold off her feeding longer at that time once I've changed her (though I held her to sleep last time in an effort to get more than 2 hours sleep myself, which may have been a mistake.) So, I'm going to try some 5oz bottles and a thicker diaper cream than Vaseline to keep moisture away, and see if it helps.

Ian is working 6am - 4pm (usually later) for the next 5 weeks, so I'm on all weekday night feedings/wake ups, which is tough. Can't wait for his help on the weekends! This is also my full week on my own with Sara, which is good for us but also a new challenge. Yesterday we had fun together, although at her doctor's checkup while I was waiting for him to come in and she was naked on the examination table, she pooped in three separate installments, and then proceeded to pee everywhere! Funny, but messy!

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