Friday, April 27, 2007

Challenges in week 3

A gassy and/or constipated baby is not a happy baby. The past couple of days/nights have been rough, Sara was awake almost all day yesterday with gas and what we assume were also constipation pains. She finally had a very formed poop last night that was obviously difficult for her to get out. Then when Ian gave her the 11pm bottle, she took until 1:45 am to put to sleep -- only to wake a half hour later for her next feed. We were not in good form, to say the least. We have tried giving her some gripe water, the alcohol-free kind, and it helped -- first a little in the afternoon, and then that's what seemed to get her to sleep at 1:45am. She did finally sleep after the next two feeds, and now we're monitoring her poops. She seems a bit better today, but we're really struggling with the night thing right now, especially with Ian back to work and getting up early. I've had help during the day but I miss having him here, and it's awful when we argue in the middle of the night out of frustration even though it blows over. Until she goes to sleep faster again after her last evening bottle, I may be doing all the night feeds... sleep deprivation comes with the territory, I know, but it's really hard!

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