Monday, April 02, 2007

still pregnant

Our March baby will now officially be an April baby. There's no weekend news to report, and no April Fool's delivery! Argh... Have you ever seen the episode of the Simpsons where Lisa is trying to get through the night without calling a hotline for her celeb crush? Unable to do anything, she just sits and listens to the repetitive sounds of Marge's knitting needles clacking and Maggie sucking on her pacifier. That's kind of how I'm feeling now, only it's my knitting needles clacking as I try to knit a baby outfit to keep myself occupied.

Anyway, I spent much of yesterday in a state of distraction, edginess and some anxiety over impending labor and delivery. I do have some, but not all, pre-labor symptoms. Last night/this morning I've had some increased pressure and cramping, mostly when switching positions for sleeping, but I'm not sure if it means anything yet. While last week I was motivated to walk, do yoga, and even squats (bad idea -- my thighs were killing me for 2 days), now I don't really feel like *doing* anything but watching tv or reading. So, we ended up spending most of yesterday watching hours of the Next Ultimate Fighter marathon on TV. That should tell you how much I'm not quite myself! At least I did some yoga stretches.

Tonight is a full moon which apparently tends to coincide with an increased birth rate (and reduced chance of private hospital room availability!) Sis- and brother-in-law gave us the cutest 'just hatched' Easter onesie this weekend... the question is, will it be her first Easter family dinner outfit, or her hospital outfit?


Unknown said...

I feel for you... know how it feels. They say girls are usually late - mine was. Crossing my fingers it will be soon.

Beaches said...

Was thinking of you on my way to work today - certain that little Miss Thang would have made her arrival over the weekend. Busied myself on the TTC by making a short-list of could-be names. Since I was wrong about the due date... I hope I've guessed correctly with one of the names! Hang tough Girl!

Anonymous said...

maybe your baby and I will share a bday -- mine's tomorrow -- april 3!

Can't wait to hear about the arrival!!