Tuesday, July 10, 2007

3 months - oh my!

I can hardly believe our little girl turned three months old on Sunday. Here we are at Grandma and Grandpa's, unfortunately with this wooden bird above us! This milestone has come with some surprises over the past few days. First, her crying during burping has suddenly started to decrease (just in time for our upcoming cottage trip on Thursday). Second, she asks to be pulled up to a sitting position, which she loves despite being a little wobbly still. Then yesterday morning came the biggest surprise. Sara peed while I was changing her, so I had to lift her up and use a wipe on her back. This made for a slippery babe, so I had to put her down on her side... and she immediately rolled over onto her tummy! I sat there for a minute, my jaw dropped, before grabbing the camera. Here she is, doing little bare bum push ups! (I'm not sure why her bum looks pink in the pic, it's not)
Another oddity of the past few days is more perplexing and frustrating. Sara has suddenly decided she's not down with her daytime napping. Today she napped for a grand total of 45 minutes from 7:30 am until now, I think she finally passed out and her mommy is not far behind her! She has bounced between happy and cranky, I've been getting nothing done, and despite showing all signs of being tired her eyes keep popping open every time I think I've finally gotten her to drift off. Yesterday I took her to the mall and she slept in her stroller, but with this heat wave we've spent enough time at the mall for now. The good side is that she is going to bed even earlier because of this -- I know, who am I to complain about a baby who sleeps from 8:30pm - 7:30-8am?! I don't want that to change, I just don't know what's going on during the day at the moment. Is this normal, or could it be part of a growth spurt? I do know that we both need her to take her daytime naps again soon! And... yep, she just woke up - only whole 15 minutes of sleep...

1 comment:

Beaches said...

Sara is getting cuter by the minute - and Mom? You're looking great too. what a lovely pic of the two of you, despite the bird.
Can't believe how much she has changed since I saw her! Amazing.