Tuesday, July 24, 2007

sitting around

I introduced Sara to her Bumbo chair this week, because she has been pushing her head forward to sit up almost anywhere else I put her! She's getting used to it in small spurts. At first she has fun, then she straightens her legs and uses all of her superbaby strength to push back and up...supposedly babies can't get out of these things, but if anyone can it's Sara... so we don't leave her unattended in it! Another new thing is how she thumps her feet in her crib. When falling asleep at night she lifts one leg and thumps it down, then both legs, and she's asleep... it's hilarious. She does the same thing to shimmy herself backward in the crib. We put her to sleep at one end, and find her almost at the other end in the morning! Getting good nap time during the day is still tough with her sleeping only 30-45 mins at a time, but I'm relieved to learn that another babe did the same thing at this age... and it got better at around 4 1/2 months. I much prefer her sleeping through the night if I have to pick one right now!

So the girls' night out last Friday was really fun and a nice break, although I ended up coming home after all... at 4:30am... S. had pink eye so I didn't want to stay at her loft and risk catching it. We started at the loft eating, playing some games (sexual Pictionary was good times, nothing like a room full of girls shouting out things like 'cock ring!!!'), and of course having some drinks before hitting the bar for dancing. It was fun until it got too crowded and we were right under the speakers, and one too many sloshy men approached us. Definitely a good night, but my other mommy friend and I agreed -- we don't miss the bar scene!

1 comment:

Beaches said...

This is the best pic yet! I can't believe she's already big enough to use the Bumbo! I remember picking it out and thinking it would be FOREVER before it got used... time sure flies. Sara just keeps getting cuter!