Friday, August 24, 2007

back to school

I took Sara to register for the fall Mother Goose program at our local Early Years centre this morning, and I had been told to arrive at 9am sharp because the programs fill up fast... they weren't kidding. I wheeled the stroller through the door and was faced with a sea of squealing, chattering moms, babies and toddlers (lesson learned... leave the stroller in the car when entering a small crowded space). This may sound ridiculous, but my first thought was "Holy s**t, I AM a mommy now!!"

We got in, and Sara and I will have a busy social calendar for Sept and Oct -- Mother Goose on Thursday afternoons (it's during the long sought-after nap time, but it sounds fun and gives me some social time), a music program on Wed. mornings, and "Diaper Fit" on Tuesday mornings. I'm really looking forward to that one, as I'll be taking Sara into a pool for the first time! It's a light workout for moms, and the babies are in flotation devices that look like tugboats. Swim diapers are on my shopping list, as I don't want us to be responsible for any pool foulings!

And in my free time (ha), I have happy news about my art... I'm working on a large commission piece, and, a baby boutique has bought 4 of my paintings to sell in their store!! I'll be delivering them in the next week or two, and am very excited!

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