Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bam Bam

Sara has earned her first nickname - Bam Bam! She has a quirky habit of lifting both legs up in the air in her crib, and banging them down on the mattress with a resounding "THWUMP". She likes to do this in her sleep, sometimes on and off for hours of the night. It no longer keeps us up like it did the first few nights, and she's completely asleep while she does it - silly girl! I don't know how it doesn't hurt her feet. Apparently babies master a skill before moving on to a new one, so since she's got this one down... next! We may need to start strapping pillows to her feet!

Speaking of development, her naps seem to be getting more regulated (finally!) and she can easily reach and grasp things...and shove them in her mouth! I don't think we are far from her first tooth. Though she hasn't rolled over again yet, she wants to be pulled up to sitting all the time. She also pushes up with a lot more strength on her tummy. Rolling, sitting and scooting about are apparently supposed to happen in quick succession, so I'm getting ready. She also wraps her little hands around my face and neck when I hold her, and even cries sometimes now when I leave the room... makes it more difficult for me to get things done, but I love that she is showing attachment to her mommy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hurray for the naps!