Wednesday, August 29, 2007

sitting pretty

When Sara was a newborn, several people told us that a baby's crying peaks at 6 weeks. At first I was sure that this is just something people say to make first-time parents feel better, like 'No, you don't look fat in that', but it was true. I don't think Sara cried excessively or had colic, but she does have a good set of lungs. The crying really did diminish, settling our nerves, and now she mostly cries when she's tired ... and, apparently, teething. She has been grumpy on and off for unpredictable bursts lately during the day that stop as quickly as they start. I can only surmise that with all the drooling and voracious chomping on her Sophie the Giraffe and lobster teethers, there is a tooth on the way. Ironically, when she is crying she won't take a teether (but have I mentioned how much I love pacifiers?)

I've considered mentioning that Mommy knows all about trying to push something painful through a small spot for the first time, but this probably won't help. Instead I can only give extra cuddles and kisses and wait for a tiny white tip to appear on her gums.

This week I'm slowly teaching her how to sit on her own, which she is desperate to do! She starts out strong...
...and then gets a little tipsy!

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