Wednesday, October 10, 2007

the great pumpkin

We've been nurturing another baby this summer -- a pumpkin in our backyard -- and yesterday I introduced it to babe #1. I was simmering a pot of turkey stock on our stove with leftover turkey from the Thanksgiving dinner we hosted on Sunday (Sara's first big family holiday!), so we couldn't go far.... but after a rainy morning I still wanted to take her outside when the sun came out. So we sat on our front porch where I had proudly put our pumpkin on display, and I let her touch it. She immediately lurched forward in my lap and tried to eat it, like she does with everything these days! She was quite interested in this new smooth orange toy so we had a nice time outside listening to the birds and watching leaves fall from our trees. When we came back into the house we were greeted by the most awesome, warm turkey aromas from the kitchen. Finally, it's Fall!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the perfect day.
Can you eat the pumpkin? I only grew up eating them in a savoury way (scones, soup, roasted with beef or ham)... but the pumpkins in Oz are greyish green on the outside. I had forgotten we also refer to butternut squash as a certain type of pumpkin! I tried roasting some "flesh" from our halloween pumpkin last year and it was pretty tasteless so am wondering if most are grown here simply for decoration or you sweeten them with a lot of sugar for pies/tarts? Oh, by the way, I tried your butternut squash pasta recipe and it is AWESOME! I even put some extra into a dish as a side for our Thanksgiving dinner (just baked the mixture in the oven after mixing it all together)...scrumptious! I kept some plain squash aside for the dog. she loves pumpkin and squash and it keeps dogs "regular" if you know what I'm saying...