Friday, October 12, 2007

the tooth and sitting up fairies

It was a big week of milestones as Sara turned 6 months old. She rolls around constantly and is sitting on her own now for several minutes at a time! I guess all of the back arching when I sat her down before was because she didn't feel steady or ready to sit independently, and now she does. It amazes me how one day babies aren't able to do something, and the next day they are. I still keep a pillow behind her for now, just in case! Here is my rock star baby, sitting down doing her best Jimmie Page impression.
And, after 3 months of drooling and chewing on anything in sight, plus 3 sleepless nights this week, I was overjoyed to rub my finger on Sara's bottom gum yesterday... and feel a sharp little tooth poking through! With all the buildup, you'd think I would have been prepared for a painful process, but no... so when our babe who has slept through the night so well since she was 2 1/2 months old had three sleepless nights in a row, it was not pretty. I won't lie, it was a tough week. She wasn't upset the first two nights so we weren't sure what was going on. She was just awake and 'talking' loudly in her crib. She also lost her appetite, which was concerning and almost landed us at the doctor's office. On the third night she was crying inconsolably, which made my heart break for her, and Ian rocked her in the chair while I tried cold teethers. Finally a dose of Tempra helped her for a few hours, and the next morning, there was the tooth! Her appetite came back today too, thankfully, and she seems just as relieved about the whole thing as we are.

The funniest new trick is that she has figured out how to play Peekaboo. She does it with the cloth book I made for her, by holding it and then bringing it down into her lap fast and laughing after we say "Where's Sara?...." The best part is that she doesn't always cover her face with the book... most of the time she holds it on top of her head like a hat, so we can actually see her face the whole time!!

Oh, and the best new development? Sara gives hugs. They are the best hugs in the world, and make me oh so happy to be a mom.

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