Monday, September 17, 2007

on the go again

Just a quick post, following up the last one... things were back to normal over the weekend with Sara. She wanted to sit up again with support, and was trying to roll over (so close, but not quite!) She was loving her jumperoo as well, actually bouncing from one foot to the other for the first time and laughing as if it's the greatest thing ever. I feel silly for starting to worry, but I guess that's what makes us good mommies sometimes. I am learning that everything truly is a phase with babies and sometimes they have off days... just like adults. We were laughing at her crib gymnastics routine before each nap. Down on her back - roll over to left side and push feet against crib - onto back again and grab toes - roll onto to left side again - zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

New pictures are coming soon... we just got a dreamy new iMac because our old computer was past it's expiration date!

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