Friday, September 28, 2007

a spot of tea?

I haven't mentioned it, but all week we've been giving Sara bum tea. What's that, you say? Well, let me tell you.... she got a nasty diaper rash, her first, after we switched her to size 3 diapers (Pampers Cruisers instead of Pampers Swaddlers). The weird mesh lining in the Cruisers is the culprit, I'm pretty sure. We learned that diaper rash is fast to set in, and can take forever to cure even though we switched to Pampers Baby Dry diapers. We tried Penaten, Zincofax, and some Sudocream samples from a baby show, but it just got worse to the point where our poor baby's butt had raised red patches that were almost raw.

Our pharmacist told us to make a combo of hydrocortisone cream (0.5%) and the Life brand of Canesten. Not to be gross, but apparently diaper rash can become like a yeast infection. Finally, progress was made and her skin started to heal! Strangely, the mix of the cream and the diaper gave Sara's bum an aroma that I can only describe as 'eau de chicken broth'.

But it was still red, so off we went to the doctor. His prescription was to brew some chamomile tea, let it cool, and dip unscented kleenex in it to use as a diaper wipe with every change (except the poopy ones). I was impressed with this old school style remedy, and lo and behold, this stuff is magic!! We noticed an improvement immediately, and after a couple of days, poof... no more rash.

So we've been calling this concoction 'bum tea', and since chamomile is one of my fave teas, my evening mug of it now has a new connotation it never had before... and chicken soup just might too.

p.s. For a week now, Sara has been rolling over -- both ways! I feel silly for getting worried before!

1 comment:

Beaches said...

Bum tea, eh? This is a great tip - I'll try to remember. I have a LOT to learn, don't I?