Sunday, March 25, 2007

the picture of patience?

Ian took this belly pic on Friday night just before we headed over to our friends' place for the evening. They live only a few blocks away from us, so it was a comfortable distance. Their house goes up for sale tomorrow though, so I had to promise not to have my water break on their carpet!

Maybe it's nervous energy but today we're going to Sears or Canadian Tire to look at some inexpensive rugs for our living room, where we'll spend most of the baby's awake time. We have hardwood floors on our entire main floor and I keep worrying about it being uncomfortable for playtime, and eventually, crawling. We're trying to be patient, although it's getting harder for both of us since it seemed that I'd be early. I've never been good at waiting for anything... and when we woke up today Ian said, only half-jokingly, that if we get started soon we could be almost done by dinner!


warmandsunnydays said...

Have been thinking about you much today. Thought for sure you'd be off to hospital this weekend!

Sending out positive vibes to you and "Cupcake/Sweetpea".

Unknown said...

love the hair, painting, and you look fab.

waiting is the hardest thing, but trust me, afterwards you'll think you could've used a few more extra days to yourself :)

Beaches said...

Awww... you look yummy Mummy! Hair looks amazing!

Thanks for posting one last pic of the belly - as excited as I am to see the baby, I'm going to miss the bump! Is it weird to feel affection for a belly?

Did you find a rug? We've been searching for one for our living area for ages and can't find one that is reasonably priced AND attractive. Sigh. My life is so complicated. ;)

sugar mama said...

Thanks, and no, we couldn't find a rug that was both cheap and nice... So instead we're going to get those colourful foam pieces that you can put on the floor whenever/wherever you want, they fit together like puzzle pieces. Ian's store sells them at $12/4 pieces in primary colours. His coworker who just had a baby uses them and says they're great... and easy on your own knees too! But... I'm guessing that's not exactly the look you're going for in your place?! ha ha :)

I will actually miss the belly too, strangely enough... I've grown especially fond of how she nuzzles down into whatever side I sleep on, and when I sit up I'm all lopsided!

Unknown said...

We have those foam pieces in our living room too. They're great, especially when our friends come over with their kids too. Keeps it easy to clean up all the drool. Our neighbour has her entire family room covered with those (wall to wall). She has 3 kids (twins).

Sorry Beaches... not fitting with your chic decor, huh.